December 7, 2008Congress PartyManmohan SinghpoliticsPublic PolicyUPA

The man who knows exactly how to fix India’s problems

But still won’t
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

This blog would be remiss if it missed pointing out an excellent post by Raju Narisetti, the editor of Mint, on his blog. Dr Manmohan Singh, he writes, should be an op-ed writer.

Usually, it is the opinion page editors of newspapers who are in the habit of telling the government and the people as to what ought to be done. In India, however, it is Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s speciality as the man who can get things done and who is supposed to get things done has increasingly turned into an editorial writer (or editorial speech maker), often simply telling the country what ought to be done rather than actually doing it. [A Romantic Realist]

Next year, a grateful Indian electorate should allow Dr Singh to do what he does best.

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The essay that Kissinger wants to write
The ridiculous routine of asking for evidence

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