December 7, 2008BangladeshForeign AffairsgenocideIndiainternational relationsPakistanRealismrealpolitikUnited States

The essay that Kissinger wants to write

…has already been written
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Speaking to Shekhar Gupta in the Indian Express, Henry Kissinger said, Some day, I’ll write about (1971) from one point of view: how two countries, each pursuing absolutely logical policies from their point of view, each pursuing the national interest and perceiving it correctly, can come to a clash, that in the terms of the period was unavoidable.”

That essay has already been written. Here.

…the events in East Pakistan between 1970, when Bhola struck, to 1974, when India, Pakistan and Bangladesh arrived at a tripartite agreement to close outstanding issues, present an interesting case of how realpolitik considerations of the states involved explain why genocide was carried out with impunity, why it was permitted by international players, why it was halted by the Indian intervention and why the perpetrators were never punished. It is not a normative discussion to study how genocides may be prevented, but rather an attempt to explain the role of Realist foreign policies of states during the episode. [The Acorn]

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