March 2, 2008 ☼ Economy ☼ Foreign Affairs ☼ magazine ☼ Pragati ☼ Public Policy ☼ Security
Issue Contents
Strategic depth vs strategic breadth Vanni Cappelli
America needs to reframe its strategic approach to the region
No anomaly in the shortage Nitin Pai & Sushant K Singh
Why India needs to move towards more capital-intensive armed forces
Securing space on the table Adityanjee
Responding to a new strategic arms race
On Kosovo; Four stages of a jihadi; Maoists strike in Bhutan; India’s foreign technical aid and loans
PRS Legislative Research: Budget Session 2008
Minimum government, maximum governance Mukul G Asher
The Gujarat model of governance holds lessons for the rest of India
Pinnacle of cynicism V Anantha Nageswaran
This year’s Union budget takes us back to the bad days of the 70s and 80s
Futures for farmers Karthik Shashidhar
Good futures markets are essential for farmers’ welfare
Advani’s economic agenda Atanu Dey
The importance of getting it right
Confessions of a retailer Ravikiran Rao
A review of Kishore Biyani’s book, It happened in India
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