February 29, 2008AfghanistanAfricaBhutanCentral AsiaForeign Affairsforeign aidforeign policyIndiaLatin AmericaNepalPublic PolicySri Lanka

India’s foreign aid budget

More for Bhutan and Afghanistan, less for other developing countries’
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Here is a chart showing outlays for technical and economic cooperation with other countries and advances to foreign governments’, allocated to the foreign ministry.

There are new allocations for Afghanistan, and an increase in allocations for Bhutan. There’s a modest increase for Sri Lanka and Africa. But allocations for other developing countries’ (ODC in the chart above) have been cut. India appeared to have disbursed less that what was budgeted for Myanmar, and this year’s allocations are lower. There was an unplanned increase in assistance to Bangladesh last year—quite likely due to emergency assistance for flood relief—but the outlay this year is almost the same.

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