June 14, 2005Foreign AffairsPublic Policy

Jinnah does not matter - the evidence

Indian youth are unconcerned
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

The Hindustan Times survey of 921 people between 18 and 25 showed the Jinnah debate rated a low 3.5 on a relevance scale of 10 while 54 percent thought India’s politicians were stuck in the past.

Young India knows history but doesn’t want to live in it. The question for the young is not Jinnah who, but why,” said the survey headlined The Youth Don’t Care”.

That is, why should the controversy have all but appropriated national discourse when surely partition, while important, matters less than economic progress and geo-strategic power projection?” [Reuters via India Uncut]Concern over economic development was expected, but it is heartening to note that Indian youth are concerned about geo-strategic power projection too. Good news as far as the The Acorn’s readership growth potential is concerned.

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