April 10, 2023 ☼ Information Age ☼ Information Order ☼ Geopolitics ☼ acorn
The battle to defend the Internet is looking a lot like the battle to preserve liberal democracy
Over the past three decades almost everyone on the planet has benefited from the internet because it is free and open. This is best represented in being able to send an email to anyone using any email server or client. Or being able to access any website anywhere using any web server or browser software. Open protocols and interoperability made the internet successful while its closed competitors like AOL, CompuServe, Minitel and other walled gardens (walled prisons, actually) lie forgotten in the ash heap of history.
Now this core interoperability and interconnectedness are under severe threat. For two reasons:
The current controversy over Twitter limiting access to Substack is not about caprice and business rivalry: it is yet another example of Big Tech trying to lock users onto their platforms. If Substack looks like a David to Twitter’s Goliath, it’s only because of their relative size, not character and intent. Whatever its executives might say today, if they grow to sufficient size, they too are likely to raise walls around their users.
The internet was designed to survive a nuclear attack. The United States can defend itself against nuclear-armed adversaries. But neither can survive attacks from within the system, by players who benefit from the freedom and openness, accumulate power and then attack the very conditions that led to their success. Consciously or otherwise, they are kicking the ladder after reaching the top.
The battle to defend the free and open nature of the internet looks quite similar to that of defending liberal democracy. Perhaps it is the same battle.
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