April 13, 2011announcementAsideEconomyForeign AffairsPragatiPublic PolicySecurity

Pragati, refreshed

The Indian National Interest Review
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Before we even realised it, Pragati is into its fifth year.

Issue 49 cover

Some changes were in order. We’ve revamped the magazine in size and style to make it easier to read, especially on digital devices such as the iPad. The page size is smaller and Aditya Dipankar and Anuj Agrawal, our designers, have revamped the layout to make the pages more attractive and more importantly, easier to read. Download the digital community edition here.

It took us some time to get these changes in place, so this issue reaches you a few days later than usual. But what better day to publish the refreshed Pragati than on B R Ambedkar’s birth anniversary?

As usual you are encouraged to distribute this magazine among your friends and associates.

Read and Share.

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