July 8, 2010Chinacyber strategycyber warfareEconomyForeign AffairsIndiaSecurity

The answer to Global Times’ why

Investing in cyber warfare capacity comes at a cost
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Criticising the blacklisting of several Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturers by the Indian government, the Global Times asks:

It is understandable when the Indian government does this to promote its own industry, especially in certain manufacturing areas that have not grown strong enough to compete with international rivals.

But in the recent case of telecom equipment procurement worth $2 billion, how come other foreign brands were let in while Chinese products alone singled out for exclusion?

Here’s why.

Related Link: In today’s FT, Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Paul Taylor report similar concerns in the United States where Huawei’s push to expand in the US through acquisitions and contracts with telecoms groups could come at a high cost for the Chinese equipment maker, including structural changes that are already under consideration by the company.”

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