March 1, 2010 ☼ Aside ☼ Economy ☼ Foreign Affairs ☼ Pragati ☼ Public Policy ☼ Security
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Highlighted in this issue is an argument for India to take a strategic approach towards trade and infrastructure and the ensuing need for a co-ordinated inter-ministerial approach towards policy formulation, negotiations and implementation.
In foreign affairs: you will find perspectives on India-US military ties, governing the diaspora, diplomacy in the neighbourhood and a critique of India’s engagement with the United Nations.
On the home front, the highlight is an essay on the newly introduced Right to Education Act. In parliament, we also make an argument for parliament to regain its supremacy over the executive. Finally, there’s a review essay on the lessons from India’s long experience countering insurgencies.
And there’s a lot more. Read & Share. (Download 2.5 MB PDF)
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