January 13, 2010Chinaeconomic freedomEconomyForeign Affairsfree marketsfree tradeIndiaindustrymanufacturing

The world’s punching bag

The fault, dear Mr Naik, is not across the Himalayas
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Mint has a very good editorial in response to the accusation that China is systematically killing” Indian manufacturing.

Admittedly, there are geopolitical considerations at stake for India. But as the trade deficit with China widens over the last few years, it’s giving vent to populism, not some concerted strategy…

And if India wants its domestic manufacturing to compete at comparable costs, it should stop trying to block outside firms, and ask how it can better internal conditions. But that would mean a concerted policy that improves financing conditions, not to mention land acquisition clarifications and better regulations. Protectionism is just so much easier, no? [Mint]

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