September 2, 2009AsideEconomyForeign Affairsinternational relationsPragatiPublic PolicySecurity

Pragati September 2009: Studying the world

Despite a strong beginning in the years after Independence, the study of international affairs in India, according to Muthiah Alagappa, the author of an in-depth essay in this month’s issue of Pragati, “(has) not kept pace with the changing scope and content of India’s international relations that must now address new challenges, problems, threats, and opportunities in a wide range of domains including economics, climate change, security and regional and global governance.” We feature a detailed look at how international studies can be rejuvenated in India’s academic institutions and think tanks.
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Also in this issue: police reforms, liberalising the visa regime, managing the fallout of Sharm-el-Sheikh, tidings from Sri Lanka and a perspective on India’s priorities in the context of the global discourse over climate change.

On the domestic front: failure of the monsoon this year might reduce some regions to come to depend on the rural employment guarantee scheme; a scheme which we argue is a deeply flawed one.

There’s much more in the September 2009 issue of Pragati. Read and Share!

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