February 7, 2009counterterrorisminternal securitySecurity

Overcoming the fear of the assault rifle

Citizens and self-defence
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

What should you do if you are confronted by a terrorist? Over at INI Signal, a decorated former army officer argues that potential victims’ must charge on the terrorist and incapacitate him.

A marksman who can shoot to kill’, achieves that status by practice, practice and only practice. In contrast, a terrorist in most of the cases is introduced to the weapon and after a very minimal induction, sent on a mission. With such minimal exposure, he resorts to indiscriminate firing and escapes if confronted with least opposition. His reflexes will only push him behind and the intended victim though unarmed, will gain an upper hand…

This myth of an assault rifle being disastrous should be killed and we should realize that it is the man behind the weapon and not the weapon which needs to be addressed. If the man behind the weapon is weak, a state of art weapon is equivalent to that of a block of wood. Soldiers who have had occasion to demonstrate courage under fire would perhaps be the first to accept that almost no one is devoid of fear when bullets fly. An understanding of the real destructive power of the enemy, training, being in a kill or be killed’ situation and the knowledge that offense is the best form of defense’ is what allows soldiers to overcome their fear and do the seemingly impossible. I am not suggesting that we train every citizen to be a soldier, but if we can do just enough so that every citizen is aware of the basics of what is the real capability of the commonly used terror weapons’ and if we can educate them on how to react in adverse situations, we may have done our bit. [INI Signal]Ram Kumar calls for a national movement to educate citizens so that they do not end up as easy prey in a soft state.

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