December 28, 2008ChinaForeign Affairsnuclear powernuclear proliferationPakistanUnited States

Reactors of the grandfathered kind (2)

Actually, there were quadruplets
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

A report in yesterday’s Hindustan Times (linkthanks Swami Iyer) reveals that China, after all, is assisting Pakistan in building the third and fourth reactors at the Chashma nuclear complex. These reactors have been grandfathered (see this post for details of this deal) over the United States’ objections that that cooperation on the construction of two new reactors, Chashma III and IV, would be inconsistent with the commitments China made at the time of its adherence to Nuclear Suppliers Group guidelines in 2004.”

China clearly believes that presenting the incoming Obama administration with a fait accompli on this front will do the trick. It is unlikely to be mistaken on this account.

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