October 12, 2008Afghanistanal-qaedaarmycovert operationsForeign AffairsjihadismilitaryPakistanwar

An officer and a Taliban leader

Reversing the Kunduz airlift
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Those who know the history of the Pakistani army’s battles won’t find this least surprising: very often, mujahideen leaders” carry documents that identify them as Pakistani military officers.

British officials covered up evidence that a Taliban commander killed by special forces in Helmand last year was in fact a Pakistani military officer, according to highly placed Afghan officials.

The commander, targeted in a compound in the Sangin valley, was one of six killed in the past year by SAS and SBS forces. When the British soldiers entered the compound they discovered a Pakistani military ID on the body. [Times Online]It is hard to say which is worse: whether this deputation was on official orders, or whether it was purely voluntary.

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