October 9, 2008Foreign AffairshumourlanguagepoliticsUnited States

On ostentatiously exotic pronunciations

These Americans are crazy (the pronouncing Pakistan” edition)
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Over in the United States of America, they are criticising Barack Obama…for pronouncing the word Pakistan” correctly. (via Chapati Mystery)

On the National Review blogs, Mark Steyn writes Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says”Eye-raq”.” Washington Monthly’s Steve Benen argues that having completely run out of compelling policy arguments to make, some high-profile conservatives have decided to make this their latest campaign hobbyhorse.”

Indians are likely to shake their heads and smile. And then realise that it is not unusual for those with the correct pronunciation to be labelled as anything but the common man”.

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