August 28, 2008 ☼ academics ☼ Afghanistan ☼ anti-Soviet ☼ Aside ☼ CIA ☼ cold war ☼ Foreign Affairs ☼ ISI ☼ jihad ☼ jihadis ☼ mujahideen ☼ Pakistan ☼ politics ☼ United States
What a remarkable coincidence. First, Charlie Wilson writes an vitamins-is-good-for-kids type of op-ed in the Washington Post that suggests he’s back in the lobbying business, this time handling Georgia’s brief. Previously, he had formally signed-up as a lobbyist for Pakistan a month after 9/11, but then quit in 2005 due to health reasons.
And then, Sepoy shocks us by publishing an open letter written by some American academics to their bosses at the University of Texas at Austin, protesting against the institution of the “Charlie Wilson Chair in Pakistan Studies.” The Charlie Wilson couch or hot tub would have been the appropriate piece of furniture to endow. Whatever they call it, Sepoy is eminently qualified to occupy it.
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