June 2, 2008 ☼ Economy ☼ education ☼ finance ☼ food security ☼ Foreign Affairs ☼ governance ☼ history ☼ human rights ☼ India ☼ infrastructure ☼ interview ☼ jihadis ☼ microfinance ☼ Public Policy ☼ realpolitik ☼ Security ☼ strategic affairs
Issue Contents
The New Jihadis
Local manifestations of a global pattern
Nitin Pai
Getting human rights right
Are human rights activists playing into the hands of
Sandeep Balakrishna, Salil Tripathi & Rohit Pradhan
Towards a cultural liberalism
Governments must stop siding with intolerant mobs
Jayakrishnan Nair
A survey of think-tanks
Feline counter-terrorism; Measuring up against international human rights standards; On what makes foreign policy tick; Assessing energy security policies
Look before you hop
A discussion on strategic affairs with Stephen P Cohen
Nitin Pai & Aruna Urs
A review of Budget Session 2008
Kaushiki Sanyal
Where is the financial superhighway?
Two reports later, there is still no movement on reforms
Aadisht Khanna
Improving economic literacy
Effective delivery of public services requires sound public policy education
Mukul G Asher & Amarendu Nandy
A food credit card scheme
How microfinance and the public distribution scheme can work together
Ankit Rawal
History is in the writing
The changing fashions of recording history
Sunil Laxman
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