April 26, 2008 ☼ armed forces ☼ climate change ☼ defence ☼ development ☼ environment ☼ Foreign Affairs ☼ global warming ☼ India ☼ international co-operation ☼ military ☼ modernisation ☼ nuclear deterrence ☼ Security ☼ war ☼ water
Climate Change and National Security: Preparing India for New Conflict Scenarios
The global debate on whether there is indeed a process of anthropogenic climate change in progress has been for the most part settled by the international scientific consensus surrounding the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. The trajectory of global warming is expected to have a major impact on human society as a whole: calling for a co-ordinated international response towards mitigation and adaptation to a warmer planet.
This policy brief analyses how climate change will affect regional security in the Indian subcontinent and implications for India’s national security. It argues that glacial melt, rising sea levels and extreme weather will exacerbate ongoing conflicts and will require India to develop military capabilities to address a range of new strategic scenarios: from supporting international co-operation, to managing a ‘hot peace’, to outright military conflict.
Get the document from the INI Policy Briefs section.
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