November 22, 2007Aside

Between Iran and an American invasion

…lies a West Bengal village
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Who would have thought?

(link via email from Salil Tripathi)

When informed that a certain prize-winning novelist’s name is missing from the list of signatories, Salil replies:

Ms Roy said a year ago, to Tehelka, that she now doesn’t believe in Gandhian tactics; violence is needed. (But since that could mean getting killed, and not just doing the killing, I presume she’s taken herself off activism, and is writing another novel, to add to her repertoire of fiction - God of Small Things, Algebra of Infinite Justice, Greater Common Good, and all other great works of fiction she has written over the years).

As Navdeep Suri, former Indian government spokesman at the Indian High Commission in Britain put it so eloquently a few years ago during a BBC interview: Arundhati Roy is India’s pride and is a fine fiction writer.”

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On East Asia’s periphery (2)

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