September 30, 2007Foreign Affairs

My op-ed in Mint : Saffron protest in Myanmar

It is in India’s interests to intervene on behalf of democracy in Myanmar
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

My op-ed in Mint synthesises some of the ideas and discussions from last week’s posts on this blog.

There is cowardice in India’s policy towards Myanmar. It only passes under the name of realpolitik.

In the absence of a strong Indian position, the field will be open for China. It will bolster its claims to regional leadership through initiatives—like in Darfur—that are little more than exercises in public relations. More importantly, countries in South-East Asia will become convinced that they cannot look towards New Delhi to balance China’s rising influence in the region. [Mint]

But almost karmic subtitle in the published version is not mine. Mine was succinct: It is in India’s interests to intervene on behalf of democracy in Myanmar. And to turn the published subtitle on its head, on that way lie material gains and increased influence.

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