August 25, 2007Security

Hyderabad—time for accountability

It’s not about who’s responsible anymore. It’s about who is accountable
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

There’s been another terrorist attack; coordinated bomb blasts killed around 40 people in Hyderabad. Terrorist struck the weekend crowd at a tourist attraction. And whether coincidence or not, one of the bombs went off when the crowd rose to sing the national anthem.

The Andhra Pradesh state government has called it a terrorist attack. The Central government has already blamed Harkat-ul-Jihad Islami (HuJI) and Jaish-e-Mohammed sleeper cells. It rings so untrue. One the one hand the government can implicate groups within hours of the attacks. On the other they can’t prevent them.

No, the only sleeper cells are those within the government. The Andhra Pradesh government, which both failed to track down the terrorists responsible for the recent Mecca Masjid attacks and to improve its vigilance thereafter. The attack also exposed the sleeper cells in New Delhi all over again. How long will the UPA government—and its murderously inept home minister—be allowed to escape responsibility for doing little to prevent the deadliest terrorist campaign against India ever?

It is time for accountability. We can expect the daily newspapers to again write tough editorials this week, and duly forget about it very soon. But the Indian people will punish those who failed to protect them.

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