January 22, 2007 ☼ Foreign Affairs
NATO-led troops in Afghanistan noticed “similar fire from the direction” of the Pakistani border checkpost at Shawal. They returned fire and killed one Pakistani soldier, and wounded two others, ‘mistakenly’ of course.
Coming in the wake of some intense signaling in recent weeks, it is hard to reject the conclusion that the ‘friendly fire’ is a slightly stronger signal from the United States to its FATWAT?
Now Islamabad is in a strange predicament. It began by claiming that there were foreigners in the area, but when Afghanistan and NATO began complaining of the same thing it immediately went into denial. However, when it used to say that there were foreigners in Waziristan, the opposition politicians shouted in unison that the government was lying. Now that the government has joined everyone else saying there are no foreigners there, the world outside refuses to believe it. Pakistan now fears ‘pre-emptive attacks’ and has protested sovereignty to warn that any such attempt would be opposed tooth and nail because ‘it has full control over its territory’. [DT]
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