October 19, 2006 ☼ Foreign Affairs
They hyperventilated when President Bush visited India, and they still do at the mention of the word America. They intervened in Nepal, resulting in a situation where radical Left wing insurgents are a heartbeat away from assuming the reins of power.
And they are now in Beijing, assuring their party counterparts from China that ‘India would not be part of any US-led global strategy for the containment of China’. These are heady days for India’s Communist party leaders. For they certainly are going places.
Now there is certainly nothing wrong in politicians and parliamentarians visiting foreign countries and making statements that may even appear to be foreign policy commitments. Caveat emptor prevails, and host governments generally treat such pronouncements with the appropriate quantities of salt.
Bully for the Commies, all the same. And bully for China—how nice it is to have someone to bat for you right in the corridors of power in New Delhi. But what an abomination for the rest of us.
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