August 18, 2006Foreign Affairs

Only leadership (and 200 soldiers)

That’s France’s contribution to the UN peacekeeping contingent
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Bangladesh, Nepal and perhaps Malaysia will contribute most of the strength of the proposed UN peace keeping contingent in Lebanon. Israel is shocked that countries that don’t even recognise its right to exist can be part of the UN force, which is ostensibly neutral’.

French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie defended the country’s decision to send just 200 additional troops.

I can’t let it be said or implied that France is not doing its duty in the Lebanese crisis,” Alliot-Marie said.

She noted that France was willing to continue leading the force, while Denis Simonneau, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, reiterated that France could always send more troops. [WP]France, which is leading the effort is only sending leaders for the contingent. Why, what’s wrong with Bangladeshi, Nepali or Malaysian generals?

Update: The Washington Post asks: Where did the French go?”

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