July 21, 2006Foreign AffairsSecurity

Where is the or else”?

It’s not about proof. It is about consequences
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

It is unclear if India has even officially asked Pakistan to hand over Hizbul Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin, ban the Jamaat-ud-Dawa and deport Dawood Ibrahim. (Which already offers a hefty discount to Pakistan—after the jihadi attack on the Indian parliament, India’s list of demands had twenty names on it)

What is clear is that these demands will be treated as mere theatre by Pakistan. That’s because there is no …or else,” attached to it.

The UPA government is deluding itself and the nation if it thinks such half-hearted attempts will do anything more than convey an impression that it is getting tough’ on Pakistan. The only reaction they will evoke is a rhetorical response from the other side. For demands to be credible, they must be specific. And they must, in a fashion, spell out consequences. Ask Colin Powell.

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