July 19, 2006Foreign AffairsSecurity

Aksai Chin in replica

A bit of the Himalayas turns up in a Chinese village, hundreds of kilometres away
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

The Google Earth community has unearthed (pun unintended) another gem. At a military base near Huangyangtan, China has created a gigantic scale model of the terrain of a part of Aksai Chin, on the disputed frontier with India. (linkthanks Pratik Singh)

Huangyangtan military base - Photo from TheRegister

The question is, why? One theory, among the many, put forward is that the model serves as training ground for helicopter pilots: but size of the model (0.6 sq.km) may be too small for this purpose. But it may be what engineers need to work out how to construct roads in that remote region.

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