Uttar Pradesh state police have cracked the case. The Varanasi bombings were instigated and executed by the Bangladesh-based Harkat-ul-Jihad al Islami (HuJI-B) with local support. While that should not come as a surprise to anyone following the news, it should make it more difficult for the Khaleda Zia government to dismiss, evade or deflect criticism. The cat that is attached to this paw, however, is in Pakistan. The outsourcing of terror to Bangladesh allows the cat to disclaim responsibility by pointing to the paw. This too should not come as a surprise.
The real wake-up call in the affair is this part:
It has also come to light that the historical seminary at Deoband in Saharanpur which had played a positive role in India’s freedom struggle is now a recruiting ground for international terrorism. Those who executed the blasts apparently studied there.
However, Waliullah maintained that using the Deoband connection was strictly unofficial…
Walliullah confessed to have come in contact with the HuJI in 2002. It was during his tenure in Deoband when he was first inspired by jehad after hearing the tapes of Masood Azhar.
Earlier, he had been arrested in 2001 along with his brothers for his reported involvement in Jaish-e- Mohammad activities and had been lodged in jail for eight months.[The Tribune]The Indian government may find it hard to get Musharraf to dismantle jihadi camps in Pakistan, or to get Khaleda Zia to prevent Bangladesh from becoming a jihadi entrepot. But surely, it should be able to ensure that the institution in Deoband removes audiotapes of Masood Azhar from its extra-curriculum.
Related Link: Praveen Swami on the Harvest of Hate
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