March 10, 2006Foreign Affairs

Refreshing talk. Let’s see the action

Where The Acorn supports a Musharraf plan
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Ironically, after saying that Pakistan’s policies must not be India-centric’, Gen Musharraf announced that Pakistan should attempt to achieve an economic edge over India. Despite the irony, such talk is welcome, and will be wonderful if he really means it.

In today’s era it is not the weapon superiority that makes the country strong but strong economy and prosperity of the people that contribute to making the nation strong.”

Therefore, he added, the government would not indulge in any arms race with India but would achieve an edge over India by gaining economic superiority. It is knowledge which will take us ahead and raise Pakistan’s statue (sic) in the eyes of the world comity,” the president said.

In order to achieve economic superiority, the president said, the government would focus its budget spending on education and science and in this regard a budget of Rs 20 billion had been earmarked for higher education sector…He added they were also sensitive to the requirements for attaining scientific superiority in various disciplines.

Musharraf said in order to make Pakistan stronger in all frontiers they would also be conquering the space frontiers with the help of their close friend China. [The News]But this is Musharraf after all, and those acting in the belief that he will follow through on his statements stand to be sorely disappointed.

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