February 28, 2006Economy

The march of the Indian mango

Make way for the king
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

It has already made its way to China. President George W Bush will announce its re-entry into the United States after a long time. The Indian government is making headway opening the doors to Australia, and even hard-to-reach Japan. The Indian mango is beginning to go places.

India is the world’s largest producer of mangoes and accounts for about 16% of the world’s mango exports. But it is the poorest in terms of yield. Poor productivity, low processing levels, inadequate infrastructure, lack of information and absence of modern marketing practices prevent India from exploiting its strength into a competitive advantage in the international mango market. The mango, it appears, epitomises the challenges faced by the Indian economy.

As Sonu Jain writes in the Indian Express, amid all the hoo-hah over nuclear separation the mango has escaped popular attention. Yet it is a big deal. And a tasty one.

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