November 22, 2005Foreign Affairs

Why don’t they evacuate the victims instead? (Kofi Annan version)

The Pakistani authorities must now follow up
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Kofi Annan’s call should help get the ball rolling. The Pakistani authorities now have a cover to evacuate those victims who they cannot reach.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has appealed to the people living in the high mountains in the earthquake affected areas of Kashmir valley, to come down “so that we can look after them”. Mr Annan, who returned to New York after attending the donors conference in Pakistan, said: “We still have about 200,000 people in the mountains who haven’t come down, in very difficult locations and we are trying to get supplies to them by helicopter and also preparing for them, if they decide to come down, so that we can look after them.” [Dawn]

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