October 18, 2005Aside

Weekday Squib: No item-numbers please, we’re Somalians

Promoting virtue and banning vice…in Africa
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Vikram Arumilli directs us to witness the latest actions of the militiamen of Somalia’s Union of Islamic Courts, who have raided a studio and apprehended five people found indulging in the vice-filled activity of dubbing Bollywood movies into Somali. This activity has joined drug dealing, bootlegging, and kidnapping as some of the things that the Union of Islamic Courts have decided that Somalia can do without.

Bewildered crowds looked on as the militia stormed the building housing Al-Fiqi studios in Hamarweyne district.

Studio chairman Abdihakim Mohamed Haji said no official business was being conducted at the time of the raid and that those taken away were not actors or translators.

But he said televisions were destroyed in the assault and that large amounts of money were also taken.

Chairman of the Union of the Islamic Courts, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, told reporters that he and his colleagues were very proud to have closed down the operations of the biggest movie-dubbing firm in the capital, adding that these people had defied the court’s orders. [BBC]Those lucky Somalians don’t know how close they came to permanent moral corruption.

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