September 19, 2005Foreign Affairs

We call him Nutwar

The Indian government provides lame justifications for supporting Iran
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

The Indian foreign minister made a very poor case in trying to justify India’s potential vote against referring Iran’s dubious civilian’ nuclear programme to the UN Security Council. This is what he said:

Everybody would like to avoid a contentious debate in the Security Council,” (Foreign Minister Natwar) Singh, who visited Iran earlier this month, said in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting.

Look here, India’s foreign policy is decided in New Delhi,” he said on NDTV television. We have good relations with Iran. We have our energy requirements with Iran … there are 150 million Muslims in India, of which a large number are Shias.”[Reuters]And here’s why he is wrong:

Tailpiece: If Nutwar Singh deems it necessary to remind everyone that India’s foreign policy is made in New Delhi, then pray why did Dr Manmohan Singh have to cite Vajpayee’s criticism to President Bush, he who is based in Washington D.C.?

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