July 5, 2005Economy

The weekly blogside view of the Indian economy (16)

A selection of recent posts
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

The World Bank’s recommendation that India tax its emigrants, especially graduates of top engineering and management schools, received wide attention, but none too favourable. Reuben Abraham, Gaurav Sabnis, Amit Varma and Primary Red have opinions on this, and more information is available at the Paradox Valley.

Zoo Station also reports that the Bank recently relaxed its project procurement rules, risking greater corruption. Sukrit Sabhlok and Vinod count the cost of corruption. But corruption may be a means of survival in regulation-ridded economies, writes Ashish Handwadikar.

The Sambhar Mafia is worried about the succession at the Tata group, a kinder-gentler multinational that is looking for fresh avenues. But according to Jagadish’s dad, their service needs to be something more than merely kinder and gentler.

Subra at the 30s dog blog has a backyard example to show why offshoring works. He also counts how much more money you should make if you are in India. And according to CSF, if you are a Marathi journalist, then this is especially good news.

Sandeep has commenced a series of posts about Bangalore — a city he loves. But the Opti-Mystic is not very pleased with the performance of Bangalore’s roads under monsoon conditions.

Selva over at the Scientific Indian is reading Amartya Sen. Reuben posts excerpts from a review of Sen’s latest book, The Argumentative Indian.

Michael Higgins has some thoughts on the use of game theory in the battle against the exploitation of children.

Rajeev Srinivasan links to a Indian government document that reveals the sources and destinations of foreign funds for NGOs operating in India.

And finally, here on The Acorn, the Indian government begins to dig up some dirt.

Related Links: The Blog Mela at India Uncut; Petroleum Update at Indic View; and a good set of links from Sambhar Mafia

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