June 1, 2005Security

Remember Babbar Khalsa?

Pakistan has kept those terrorists alive too
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Sepia Mutiny covers some outcomes of the investigation into the recent Delhi cinema bombings. Babbar Khalsa, a fearsome terrorist organisation of yesteryears, has been found responsible. Manish writes

The U.S. added Babbar Khalsa to its list of terrorist groups only last year…

The suspects seem to have learned from Al Qaeda tactics. They allegedly used plastic explosives to evade metal detectors and cavities in running shoes to smuggle the easily-molded explosives. Like the 9/11 hijackers, they allegedly plotted in a country away from the target, one perceived to have lax security. And there’s the ubiquitous Pakistan connection. [Sepia Mutiny]Except for the ISI, everyone else is engaged in a peace process. With political capital invested in engaging Pakistan, the Indian government is unlikely to play up the Pakistani link in this case.

Dawood Ibrahim and company, implicated in the worst acts of terrorism in India’s commercial capital, remain at large in Pakistan. Masood Azhar and Hafiz Saeed, implicated in the worst acts of terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir remain at large in Pakistan. Wadhwa Singh, of Babbar Khalsa International remains resident in Pakistan. It appears that like Bofors and other domestic scams’ the Indian political establishment has simply decided to use Pakistan’s sheltering of these terrorists as a stick to beat Pakistan episodically. If Pakistan continues to harbour some of the worst terrorists much of it is due to India’s failure to consistently pursue the case.

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