April 25, 2005Economy

The weekly blogside view of the Indian economy (12)

A selection of last week’s posts
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Based on the experience of Indian IT firms in China, Kaushik concludes that it will take a few years to know how successful China will be in the IT services game. Bangalore’s infrastructure woes (and governmental apathy) came to the fore in The Economist; the article was picked up by Ravikiran Rao and Rajesh Jain.

Santy at IndusNexus finds that Indian entrepreneurs are most motivated by autonomy (no pointy-haired bosses) and the least by vision, excitement and the desire to create wealth, jobs and value for society.

Aruni’s tells the editor of the Calcutta Telegraph that for India to make the market economy work the regulatory framework must make compliance cheaper and evasion expensive.

JK covers opinionated Keralites (are there any other kind) and their encounters with globalisation, but contrary to their suspicions American companies like GM and Coke are not quite in control.

Akshay of Trivial Matters and Reuben Abraham have more on India’s stand on Intellectual Property rights at the WIPO. They note that under India’s new patent law, software patents are out but process-related pharmaceutical patents are in.

The MITs best $200,000 are invested in India, declares Patrix. At Pabal, in Maharashtra state, MITs FabLab employs school-dropouts to conduct basic manufacturing R&D.

To meet the government’s objective of spending 6% of GDP on education, it should provide incentives for households to spend more on educating themselves, suggests Satyanarayan on his excellent blog, Education in India.

Rashmi Bansal reminds me of my guest post on Jivha’s blog (we still miss him). The children of celebrities, she writes, are making the world a better place for lesser mortals. Her example of Kalra Jr’s foray into parantha-making is yet another example (via Avinash) of India’s growing appetite, literally. That’s good news this guy.

Sanjay Garg aggregates business and finance updates from several sources.

Last week’s Blog Mela was hosted by MadMan and has several posts on business and economy. The Scientific Indian reviews science-related posts in the Indian blogosphere. As usual, the excellent Indic View has the latest petroleum update.

And finally, the Maharashtra state government is regularly making the news for some decidedly loony policies — Amit Varma is rightly alarmed that farmers with more than two children will soon have to pay more for irrigation water.

Call for Nominations

Readers are invited to nominate posts for these weekly reviews. Posts must broadly deal with the Indian economy. Nominations can be made by leaving a comment or by pinging this link.

Here’s why this call is going out

[Previous editions archived here]

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