March 20, 2005Security

Bad tidings and cricket diplomacy

Contrary to popular belief, the last round of cricket diplomacy had an unhappy result…for India. Bad news: it may happen yet again.
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

General Zia came. General Zia saw. General Zia tried to conquer.

And during their meeting in Islamabad on January 5th 2005, the corps commanders of the Pakistani army tasked the ISI to work with its jihadi groups to launch limited attacks in India from March 2005.

For example, the papers have reported that some thirty Pakistanis who came for the Mohali cricket test have gone missing, but that is not the whole story. The agencies are currently monitoring the activities of seventy-two so-called Pakistani cricket enthusiasts who are following their team all over the country. Some of them have faked addresses in Pakistan, some have been found with links to terror groups, and still others are indulging in suspicious activities. [News Insight]

Remixes of old numbers remain the order of the day in India.

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