March 7, 2005Security

Wierd and callous

The Indian Express is out hit-wicket on Musharraf-in-the-stands
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

It’s just cricket and no longer a diplomatic overture, argues the Indian Express. Therefore, it contends, General Musharraf must be invited to partake in this exciting contest between bat and ball.

By that token, Osama bin Laden (whose love of cricket in unknown), Dawood Ibrahim (whose love of cricket is well-known) should be invited too. Surely, there is no harm in inviting LTTEs Velupillai Prabhakaran from Sri Lanka to share India’s excitement.

Sarcasm apart, engaging with an military dictator of an unreconciled nation is not really the best of ideas. Even if it is argued that negotiating with such a man is necessary because of the simple reason that he is the one calling the shots in Pakistan, there is no reason to like him. India gains nothing by having a Musharraf in the stands. Besides, he still can enjoy the thrills and spills of an India vs Pakistan cricket match from the comfort of his command bunker in Rawalpindi.

Capt Vikram Batra (PVC), Sepoy Bajindra Singh, Havaldar Mani Ram and Sepoy Rakesh Kumar were among the several young men from Chandigarh and its vicinity who died in the Kargil war. It is callousness on the part of the Indian Express to welcome the unrepentent cause of their deaths.

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