An oily update at Kiran’s Indic View reveals that India is both competing and cooperating with China in securing energy supplies.
Sameer Wagle defends Manmohan Singh’s batting during his second innings.
Privatisation is a hot topic: Patrix and Gaurav Sabnis laud the Orissa state government for privatising municipal services. Meanwhile, another state’s attempts to privatise higher education runs into rough weather at India’s Supreme Court: Naveen at Spontaneous Order and Seetha of Indian Liberals contend with the dilemma of regulating education.
Privatisation of the defence industry was a topic here on The Acorn, as was a review of privatisation by Ukraine’s new government that gives Indian steelmakers a second chance to acquire its nationalised steel company.
Hemanth at the Teakada covers the New Scientist’s latest issue on India: The next knowledge superpower. Kaushik cites a McKinsey report that argues that the Indian software industry can see off a threat from China. But it should improve its broadband infrastructure writes Abhishek Puri at the Broadband Blog (via Sumedh Mungee), who contends that broadband remains the Achilles heel of the fastest growing sector of the Indian economy. Sepoy, over at Chapati Mystery, relates his observations on ‘sustaining new technologies within the knowledge-systems of local societies’ at panel he attended.
Amit Varma cites an article in Tech Central Station on India’s inadequate public spending on healthcare. He also points out how a certain orphanage is seeking additional income by offering a rent-a-womb service.
Prakash Chandrashekhar’s second instalment in his series on total ownership of self, over at AnarCapLib, is on the right to eat, drink, inhale, injest (and perhaps inject) — drugs.
Gauvrav Sabnis is appalled that scrapping of an old, bad, law regulating urban land ceilings is a matter of talk only.
And finally, TVM atthe Dalal Street blog asks if there is a correlation between TV interviews and stock price.
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