February 5, 2005Foreign Affairs

Kindred spirits

Pakistan empathises with King Gyanendra, of course
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Mr (Shaukat) Aziz conveyed to King Gyanendra that recent developments in Nepal were its internal matter. A foreign ministry statement issued on Thursday quoted the prime minister as telling the Nepalese king that Pakistan strictly adheres to the principles of non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of states. [Dawn via Sandeep]

And why not? King Gyanendra has obviously taken a page out of Gen Musharraf’s book, by portraying himself as a bulwark against those Maoist terrorists. And like the General, he gave himself a three-year period before restoring democracy.

So far India has indicated that it is not taking the bait. That comes with the risk of King Gyanendra exploring a closer relationship with China, and its all-weather friend, Pakistan. Unless the Indian foreign policy establishment displays some nimble footwork, there are two directions, equally undesirable, that Nepal could take — it could become another Myanmar, or it could become a Himalayan Cuba. India cannot afford to be passive any longer.

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