November 25, 2004 ☼ Foreign Affairs
Nepal’s Maoists control large swathes of territory, but mainstream media is still not fully under their control. So when a Nepalese language satellite TV channel broadcast scenes of a Maoist triumph, viewers were shocked and the government’s media minders outraged. Nepal One was promptly taken off the main cable network.
The war itself is not that new to Nepalis. They have been reading and hearing about the ongoing war in the newspapers, televisions and radios. But yesterday, they saw on TV what they have been reading or hearing. Such footage was never seen in any Nepali television.
The gravity of the footage was such that one of the largest Cable service providers today dropped of the channel from its distribution. The move by Space-Time Network is not surprising since it operates a satellite channel that rivals Nepal One. Some reports suggest that Space-Time bowed under the pressure of Army to send Nepal One off air, at least in the most important and influential Kathmandu market. [United We Blog]Related Link: Does Dawood Ibrahim have a stake in Nepal’s Space-Time cable network?
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