Gaurav Sabnis was able to convince a cabby on the merits of libertarianism. His experience leads him to conclude that the struggle for economic freedom needs a new Mahatma. Such a Mahatma, however, will have to contend with the layer of socialistic verdigris that has come to encrust the India’s entrepreneural shine. Shruthijit at Spontaneous Order describes just how entrenched the socialism is in Indian society.
But Gaurav has a point — there is no mainstream political party that is even close to espousing right of centre economics. Before its electoral defeat, the BJP appeared to be heading in that direction, but it since has abandoned those inclinations. Considering that socialist moorings remain strong in academic curricula, it may be a generation before India sees the formation of genuine political Right.
Related Post: Waiting for the Mahatma - Economic freedom-fighters wanted
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