September 3, 2004Aside

Vichaar on Pakistan

The issue is not Kashmir, but Pakistan’s troubling raison d’être
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Here’s Chanakya’s simple, succinct description of the real problem in South Asia - not Kashmir, but Pakistan itself, in that it is yet reconciled to a living without needing to hate India.

Pakistan in its current form is defined and run as being at war with India. This is unique in the history of the world, as never before has a nation state been created solely to wage war and oppose another. India must realize this and work towards a more holistic long term solution - one that allows for a stable, secular and democratic Pakistan to emerge, while at the same time aggressively neutralizing threats to India’s emergence. While the world might some day wake up to realize the urgency of this, it is not going to happen anytime soon. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s existential crisis is holding a billion people hostage. [Vichaar]

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