September 3, 2004Foreign Affairs

BBC should call them terrorists

The Chechen hostage-takers were terrorists
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

BBC World TV repeatedly referred to the Chechen hostage-takers as an armed gang’. Never mind that they were heavily armed and some of them outfitted to be suicide-bombers. Never mind that they took a schoolful of children hostage. Never mind they shot at fleeing kids. Never mind that at least a hundred people have been killed due to their action, the BBC continues with the British tradition of understatement.

Journalistic neutrality should not cloud journalistic accuracy. Those were Chechen terrorists, who by committing the most heinous act of terrorism possible, just displayed that they would spare no effort to target the soft underbelly of civilised society.

Related Link: The Ranting Professor exposes a similar hypocrisy in the American TV networks.

Davids Medienkritik’s liberal guide to better understanding the Chechen freedom fighters. [via The Command Post]

Update: Adding insult to injury, the Beeb now resorts to putting even hostage-takers within quotes. Shame!

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