August 28, 2004 ☼ Public Policy
Malvika Singh’s Saturday morning rants on the corruption and mediocrity in India’s public life ends up concluding that there will be a revolt if things dont change. Her conclusion is incorrect. The thinking-electorate is oblivious and apathetic to the entire affair. People get leaders they deserve and mediocrity exists in public life because it is acceptable. That’s why there will not be any popular revolt any time soon.
Why do government offices smell of stale urine when private sector offices are clean? From this very basic level, all the way up to policies and implementation, we remain careless and unconcerned with quality. As a people we seem to cut every corner.
India is a celebration of rampant mediocrity. Anything goes. All is accepted. Excellence is forgotten and no one strives for it any more. Excuses have become our mantra.
And, nobody, no authority or institution demands any better. We have begun to wallow in muck — our physical environment is unacceptable and our intellectual space is getting more and more polluted. [FE]
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