The likes of The Resident Idiot attempt to court controversy and fame by intentionally scoring self-goals. In his review of S S Gill’s book Information Revolution and India: a Critique, Bidwai writes:
In India, nothing has attracted as much media adulation or official enthusiasm as information technology (IT) - itself seen as a magic wand, a technical “fix”, a shortcut to rapid economic growth and development. Even as we integrate ourselves into the global IT market essentially as cyber coolies via the business process outsourcing (BPO) route, many of our policymakers see the growth of IT-enabled services as a substitute for the hard tasks of addressing the basic needs of the people and guaranteeing them minimum food security, health care, education and employment. [Frontline]
The reference to BPO workers as ‘cyber-coolies’ is purely contemptuous, and shocking too, coming as it does from a self-professed socialist. And pray what’s wrong with seeing the growth of IT-enabled services as a means to achieving food security, health care and education? Considering workers and voters in many developed countries want to do the cyber-coolies’ work themselves, it does not look like a bad deal at all. [See previous post: DarkUnderBellyGazing]
The full article is a fisker’s delight - Bidwai’s self-promotion and hypocrisy is showing below that garb of socialism and secularism he peddles his views under.
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