The new transport minister extended the deadline for the completion of the golden quadrilateral (i.e. India’s first attempt at building decent roads) project after it became the victim of too many politicians stirring up the broth. That is the bad news. The good news is that the Prime Minister himself has announced his intention to oversee modernisation of India’s infrastructure.
Then, turning to the subject that held the key to India’s economic growth, he spelt out a new role for himself. He said the country was crying out for world-class infrastructure. So the government would start monitoring progress in key infrastructure projects, including airports, power, telecommunications, roads, ports, etc., on a quarterly basis to make sure that targets were being met.
‘‘To this end, I am setting up a high-level committee on infrastructure that I will chair myself,’’ he said.
‘I have asked the Planning Commission to prepare a paper indicating what the regulatory structure should be for each area,’’ he said.[IE] Prime Minister Singh is on firm ground when he holds forth on topics such as these - economic development and reforming of the license raj. In the end, his redemption may lie in his delivering on these promises.
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