August 22, 2004Aside


Moving from Movable Type
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Movable Type is a great piece of software, as is Blogger, both of which was what The Acorn has used. Three things, however, compelled me to move to WordPress:

  1. Six-Apart, MTs developer was moving towards pricing strategies, which though I can sympathise with and approve of, am unable to reconcile with my own willingness to pay.

  2. MTs rebuild-times were getting longer and longer.

  3. For the heck of it.

Here are the key changes:

  1. The primary RSS 2.0 feeds for this blog have changed and are now located here. In addition RSS feeds for the comments and discussion are available here. If your aggregator can auto-discover feeds, then there are a few more feeds you can choose.

  2. I’ve made small changes to the layout, with the five most recent headlines appearing on the bannerhead’.

  3. Due to WordPress’ peculiarity, Comments and Trackbacks are treated as the same and found in the comments area.

  4. I’ve increased the number of blogs that listed on the front page. As before, the Blogroll Browser contains the full blogroll and is listed below the HOBs.

Here are the key non-changes

  1. The layout retains what my wife describes as a serious look’.

  2. The old permalinks and archives will remain in place.

Related Link: Carthik has some very useful resources for those who want to move from MT to WordPress.

If you would like to share or comment on this, please discuss it on my GitHub Previous
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