Terrorists from ULFA killed 20 people who had gathered to celebrate Independence day in Dhemaji, Assam, yesterday. Seven of those killed were children. That the terrorists managed to set the bomb off despite the area being secured by the police raises questions about their competence.
Sadly, even in a tragedy such as this, partisan politics has ruled over cool-headedness (when does it not?).
Enemy of the people: The Dhemaji massacre and attempts elsewhere in the state show once again that the Ulfa doesn’t know the language of negotiations.
Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi must know that perhaps unlike in the past, the people are now firmly on the side of the State and against a bunch of murderers who have now extended their targets from politicians and other representatives of the State to ordinary people and children. It is one thing to leave the negotiating door open to cornered terrorists so as to end a long and tardy affair. It is quite another when there are groups killing children and ordinary citizens in the name of some moth-eaten ideology or cause.[HT]
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