May 25, 2004Security

More jihad-on-tap

The signs are unmistakable - Musharraf is flexing his jihadi muscles. Pakistan has not seriously condemned the terrorist attacks which have killed 35 people since Manmohan Singh took office. At the same time jihadi notables have been making louder public statements. Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, leader of the Lashkar-e-Taiba’s front organisation made yet another vitriolic anti-India speech at a Jihadi seminar.
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

From Bihar to Bengal and from Uttar Pardesh to the Hyderabad Daccan, Muslims have become active and soon the idea of secularism will die in India. The days when the rulers were begging the White House for support in passing a resolution on Kashmir and Palestine have gone and now these issues will be solved through jihad,” (Saeed) said [Daily Times]

The first thing the new government should do is to ensure that such acts do not go unpunished. The next step on Musharraf’s jihadi ladder would be an escalation of cross-border infiltration; something he has to tactical room to do now that the Himalayan snows have melted.

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