January 27, 2004Foreign Affairs

The boxes in MGRs basement

The LTTE exploited the famous MGR-Karunanidhi rivalry, and the egotistic “cut-out” mentality of Tamil Nadu politicians to raise funds and ship arms to support their struggle in the 1980s. It appears that the LTTE was able to take huge amounts of cash out of MGR’s official residence under police escort !
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Anton Balasingham, the LTTE ideologue, has claimed that the late M G Ramachandran had assiduously promoted the interests of his organisation. He helped them out financially too, giving them as much as Rs 6 crore from out of his personal funds, and in hard cash at that.

In an anthology of articles titled Viduthalai (Liberation), brought out recently in the United Kingdom, Balasingham has made several sensational disclosures, including the gift of an AK-47 to MGR by Prabhakaran. His almost unrestrained eulogy of MGR and tacit admission that the LTTE leaders played on his ego are quite revealing. [Source:Expressindia] It is a fact that there was considerable sympathy for the cause of Sri Lankan Tamils both in Tamil Nadu as well as in New Delhi. The seeds of trouble were laid when an emotional response was allowed to drift away and become foreign policy.

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